Shutter Stories: Tips & Tutorials

The MYP blog

Unlocking Creativity: Exploring Perspectives and Angles in Photography creative technique tips Oct 11, 2023


Experimenting with different perspectives and angles can greatly enhance the creativity and visual appeal of your photographs. By exploring various viewpoints, you can capture unique and captivating images that stand out from the crowd. This simple yet effective technique allows you to add...

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The Evergreen Guide to Choosing a Camera for Landscape Photography beginners gear landscape Sep 18, 2023

Capturing the majesty of nature is a unique thrill, but before you head for the hills with your camera bag, it's essential to know what your camera should bring to the table. And no, we're not talking about specific models or brands here; those come and go. We're digging into the fundamental...

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The Top Ten Mistakes New Photographers Make and How to Avoid Them beginners tips top ten Sep 07, 2023

So you've got your hands on a new camera, you're excited to capture the world around you, and you can't wait to see your name in bright lights—or at least in an Instagram caption. But before you go shutter-happy, let's talk about the common pitfalls that many new photographers face.


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Long Exposure Photography: Capturing Motion and Time creative technique Sep 07, 2023

Long exposure photography is a technique that offers an entirely different dimension to your images. It allows you to capture motion, create surreal landscapes, and even turn night into day. By using a slow shutter speed (so the shutter is open for an extended period of time), any moving subject...

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Choosing Your First Camera: A Beginner's Guide to Gear beginners cameras gear Sep 06, 2023

You’re about to embark on a journey that has enchanted millions before you—the fascinating world of photography. But before you can snap those awe-inspiring shots, you've got a tough decision to make: choosing your first camera.

What's Your Budget?

A great camera doesn’t have to...

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