Shutter Stories: Tips & Tutorials

The MYP blog

Beyond your subject: Mastering the background beginners composition creative technique tips Feb 21, 2024

In photography, what's behind your main subject – the background – can play a large role in your final image. It’s easy to focus just on what you're taking a picture of, but the background matters too. Here's a straightforward guide on making sure the background helps your...

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Shooting Through Glass: Reflection Free Photography. beginners technique tips Feb 14, 2024

Shooting Through Glass

Reflection Free Photography

For any photographer, capturing the perfect moment through a pane of glass can be a daunting challenge. Whether it's a scenic landscape from a train window or an urban vista from a skyscraper, reflections can turn a great shot into a murky...

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Choosing Lenses: From Wide to Telephoto beginners composition creative gear landscape technique tips Feb 07, 2024

When embarking on a photographic assignment, the choice of lens is as crucial as the camera itself. Different lenses open up various possibilities, allowing photographers to capture their subjects in distinct ways. In the realms of landscape, wildlife, and sports photography, the debate often...

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Stay Sharp: Eliminate Camera Shake beginners technique tips Jan 31, 2024

One of the most common errors in photography is a blurred image caused by camera shake.

Not to be confused with motion blur caused by a moving subject, camera shake affects the entire image and it happens when the camera is moved, even just slightly, during the exposure resulting in a loss of...

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Master Manual Mode: Unleash Your Creativity beginners technique tips Jan 24, 2024

  Embracing manual mode on your camera is a pivotal step in your photographic journey. As a new photographer, you might find automatic modes convenient, but they don't offer the creative control and precision that manual mode does. This guide will help you understand the basics of...

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Steady On: Why you should consider using a tripod beginners gear tips Dec 27, 2023

Investing in a tripod can greatly improve the quality of your photographs, especially when shooting in low-light situations. Whether you're a professional photographer or just enjoy capturing moments with your camera, a tripod can be a valuable tool to have in your photography arsenal.



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The Evergreen Guide to Choosing a Camera for Landscape Photography beginners gear landscape Sep 18, 2023

Capturing the majesty of nature is a unique thrill, but before you head for the hills with your camera bag, it's essential to know what your camera should bring to the table. And no, we're not talking about specific models or brands here; those come and go. We're digging into the fundamental...

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The Top Ten Mistakes New Photographers Make and How to Avoid Them beginners tips top ten Sep 07, 2023

So you've got your hands on a new camera, you're excited to capture the world around you, and you can't wait to see your name in bright lights—or at least in an Instagram caption. But before you go shutter-happy, let's talk about the common pitfalls that many new photographers face.


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Choosing Your First Camera: A Beginner's Guide to Gear beginners cameras gear Sep 06, 2023

You’re about to embark on a journey that has enchanted millions before you—the fascinating world of photography. But before you can snap those awe-inspiring shots, you've got a tough decision to make: choosing your first camera.

What's Your Budget?

A great camera doesn’t have to...

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