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Gridlines: Quick Composition Trick

beginners composition tips Jul 24, 2024

The composition of a photograph is a critical factor and can either make or break the image and in the excitement of capturing moments this aspect often gets overlooked. While it is possible to change the composition with cropping in editing, this approach comes at the potential cost of a loss in image size and quality. This is where in-camera grid lines become invaluable.


What are Grid Lines?

Grid lines are guides that appear on your camera’s screen or viewfinder, helping you align elements within your frame. They are crucial for achieving balanced and visually appealing photographs. Most cameras offer the option to activate these grid lines through the display settings, with the rule-of-thirds grid being the most common. More advanced cameras might offer additional lines that you can adjust according to the scene.


Why Use Grid Lines?

1. Improves Composition: Grid lines help in placing the main elements of your scene in a balanced way. The rule-of-thirds grid, for instance, divides the frame into nine equal parts with two horizontal and two vertical lines. Placing your subject at the intersections or along these lines can make your photo more engaging and dynamic.

2. Enhances Creativity: With the help of these guides, you will encourage yourself to think more creatively by changing positions and perspectives. Instead of always centring your subject, you might explore off-centre compositions that add interest and movement to your photos.

3. Maintains Straight Lines and Horizons: Having the ability to view these lines as an overlay is vital for photographic genres such as architecture or coastal photography. Non-straight lines and crooked horizons can detract from the quality of your image and the viewer's experience. Grid lines ensure that you keep everything level and properly aligned. Some cameras incorporate a “level” indicator which can also be switched on alongside the gridlines.

4. Helps when shooting quickly: Gridlines help you achieve a perfect composition straight away, even handheld on the go and is particularly useful for street photographers or those capturing spontaneous moments.


How to Activate Grid Lines

Activating grid lines is straightforward and can be done through the display or settings menu of your camera. Here’s a general guide:

1. Access the Menu: Go to your camera’s main menu and look for the display settings. This can sometimes be under 'Settings', 'Display', or 'Viewfinder' depending on your camera model.

2. Select Grid Lines: Look for options like ‘Grid Display’, ‘Grid Lines’, or ‘Composition Guide’. Some cameras offer a choice of gridlines so select the type of grid you prefer, such as the “rule-of-thirds”.

3. Activate: Turn the grid lines on and make sure they appear in your viewfinder or on the LCD screen.


Using Grid Lines on Smartphones

Smartphones also offer grid lines that can greatly assist in composition. Here’s how to activate them on iPhones and Android phones:



1. Open the ‘Settings’ app.

2. Scroll down and tap on ‘Camera’.

3. Toggle the ‘Grid’ switch to on.

4. To display a grid or level on the camera screen that can help you straighten and compose your shot, go to Settings > Camera, then turn on Grid and Level.



1. Open the Camera app.

2. Tap on the gear icon or swipe to access camera settings.

3. Look for ‘Grid Lines’ or ‘Composition Lines’ and turn them on.


Activating grid lines is a simple yet powerful tool to enhance your photographic composition. Whether you're shooting with a DSLR, mirrorless camera, or a smartphone, these guides help you create balanced photographs. They not only improve the quality of your images but also encourage creative thinking and skill development.


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